We have a number of items available for sale that will make great gifts. Please contact Maryellen Urbanik at [email protected] to arrange orders and pick-up. Below are the items for sale. We also have umbrellas and fleece blankets that are waterproof on one side and fleece on the other. Both cost $25.
Category: Home
FOSC to host a Comedy Night on January 18th
The FOSC will be hosting a comedy night on January 18th, 2020 at the Scandinavian Athletic Club. See the flyer below for more details. Tickets can be purchased online here. Proceeds to benefit SHS Crew.
SHS Crew to be Recognized at 11/13 School Committee Meeting
The Shrewsbury School Committee has invited the SHS Crew team to their November 13th meeting to recognize and celebrate their Fall 2019 MPSRA championship. The meeting is at 7:00 PM at the town hall and can be viewed on cable channels 29/329 or view via a livestream on the internet.
SHS Crew Featured on SMC’s Coach’s Corner
On this week’s Coach’s Corner episode (found on Shrewsbury cable channel 28 and on Shrewsbury Media Connection), Coaches Hastings and Noble talk about the program and reflect on the season. Additionally, Owen Aherne, Gavin Crouch, Natalie Siwek and Kaitlin Urbanik appeared on the show to share the student perspective. View the episode (30 mins) by […]
MPSRA Results and Photos (10/27)
The SHS Crew Team had the trifecta of awful conditions to row in yesterday. In addition to the competition, they were working against cold, rain and wind. Each crew maintained their focus and delivered outstanding results. Eight of the ten crews medaled. The other two crews finished just one spot out of medal contention in […]