Shrewsbury High School Crew

Massachusetts Public School Rowing Association Champions (Fall 2019)

Category: Home

Season-End Team Banquet

The following communication is from the coaching staff: We just wanted to let everyone know that on Thursday, November 1, right after school at the DRC will be the end of the season crew banquet for the athletes. Your sons & daughters have already been told about this event. For those new to the team, […]

Boathouse Orders Are In

The boathouse apparel orders are in.  Maryellen Urbanik will be distributing orders tomorrow at the DRC during athlete pick-up in the afternoon.  Please see her to collect your items.  For pick-up times this evening and beyond, please contact Maryellen at – [email protected]

FOSC Parents Social – 10/17

Wednesday, October 17, 7-9 pm, Whole Foods – Borgatti Bar, Parents only. This is the perfect way to meet other crew parents, ask questions, play some games, and enjoy some food! We are asking for $10 towards appetizers and desserts. Please respond on this Google Form if you are able to come by Monday October […]

Information for 10/14 NH Regatta – Updated

I just received an email from the race organizers with updated information on parking.  The link in the section below will take you to instructions on how to pre-pay for the parking: Take the first left after crossing the bridge onto Front Street. Follow Front Street to Exchange Street and bear right on Exchange Street. […]

Shrewsbury HS Crew © 2023