Shrewsbury High School Crew

Massachusetts Public School Rowing Association Champions (Fall 2019)

Category: Home

Crew Family Info & Volunteer Form

Thank you for a great Parent/Coaches/FOSC meeting at SHS!  Your ability to volunteer a very small amount of your time to the program makes a tremendous difference to our athletes and coaches.   Next year will be the programs 80th year and it could not have come this far and this successful without parent and […]

Kenneth F. Burns Memorial Bridge Wins National Grand Prize Construction Award

The Kenneth F. Burns Memorial Bridge has won several national awards.  One of the awards was a Grand Prize from a construction group called “I Build America.”  Please click on the following link and learn about the achievement and the other finalists for the award around the nation.   Mass DOT setup a website where […]

Crew Parents – Important Announcement – CORI Background Check Forms for Volunteers

The Shrewsbury Public School System requires that all volunteers fill out a CORI background check form. For Shrewsbury Crew, this means all parents involved in supporting the team (whether it’s FOSC board members, assisting at cookouts, volunteering at regattas, helping out with food at races, etc.). This also includes driving team members from school to […]

Shrewsbury HS Crew © 2023