Shrewsbury High School Crew

Massachusetts Public School Rowing Association Champions (Fall 2019)

SHS Crew Apparel

The stores to order crew apparels are now open. Below you will find the 2 links to order crew apparel.  The first one is for the Graphic Edge.  The short sleeved shirt is the item that should be ordered if you are a novice. The rest of the items in that link are for everyone […]

Boys’ & Girls’ Crew Parent Meeting

On Tuesday, September 7 at 6:30 pm in the Bent Presentation Room, located on the first floor of Shrewsbury High School, we will be holding a meeting for parents only to give details about this crew season.  This meeting is for the parents of both the boys’ & girls’ crew teams. We will begin the meeting with a presentation from the […]

Shrewsbury HS Crew © 2023